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COVID-19 Immunity Certificate
16. 02. 2021. KNP LAW

COVID-19 Immunity Certificate

Government Decree No. 60/2012 (II.12.) on the coronavirus immunity certification (hereinafter: “Government Decree”) became effective on February 13, 2021.

Immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 will be certified in case of being vaccinated with a vaccine approved in the European Union or in Hungary, or after recovery form COVID-19. The authority’s certificate of immunity (hereinafter: “COVID-19 Certificate”) and the specific phone application can also verify the immunity.

The COVID-19 Certificate is issued also in English and is valid with an ID card or passport. Specifics of the COVID-19 Certificate will be published on the website.

The Government Decree stipulates three possible categories for the issuance of the COVID-19 Certificate:


The COVID-19 Certificate can be issued following vaccination with a vaccine approved in the European Union or in Hungary in the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the COVID-19 vaccine (hereinafter: “immunization”). In case of vaccination the date of vaccination and the type of the vaccine are stated in the COVID-19 Certificate, which has no expiration date. The National Healthcare Service Center as the operator of EESZT provides a platform from where an immunity of vaccination can be downloaded.


The COVID-19 Certificate is valid for 6 (six) months from the date of recovery which can be:

  • the date of the negative molecular biological test (hereinafter: “PCR test”) registered in EESZT after the last positive PCR test or the antigen rapid test; or,
  • in the absence of a negative PCR test, the 10th day from the last positive PCR test or antigen rapid test.

Based on the registered details in the EESZT system, the COVID-19 Certification will be officially issued by the Government Office of the Capital City Budapest until March 15, 2021, if the date of recovery or the date of immunization happened before March 1, 2021; and within eight (8) days from the date of recovery or the date of immunization in all other cases. COVID-19 Certificates are free of charge and will be sent by mail.


In case of a positive test done in the laboratory of a healthcare service provider which operates in Hungary testifies that there are antibodies in the body of the examined person, the validity period of the COVID-19 Certificate is four (4) months from the date of the examination. The cost of the test is capped at HUF 11,000.

COVID-19 Certificates are issued at request and the same deadlines apply as stated in Point 2 above. Requests can be submitted electronically or in person at the offices of the government agencies. The administration service fee is HUF 3,000. Test and medical evaluation results have to be attached to the application.



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